Alex, Julianna, and Myself at the Outdoor Rink Photo Credit: Danielle Gadsby |
My friends dogs Jimi and Pössi. Photo Credit: Danielle Gadsby |
I got to enjoy some recreational activities as well. My friend, her sister and I walked one of their dogs around their property (which is quite large, they live just outside of town on a farm). It was a great way to get some Vitamin D and some fresh air, though bundling up was still necessary as it was -5degrees.We also went into the town and enjoyed an afternoon of skating. Here in Finland there are outdoor rinks in just about every town or city. They allow you to skate and get some exercise for free. This was the highlight of my trip, because since moving here I haven't had the opportunity to go skating.
Skating around. So glad I didn't fall. Photo Credit: Danielle Gadsby |
One of the days, we went to a shopping mall in a nearby city. It was about an hour drive, I was happy to go there, as the one store had really good deals. For those North American's that follow my blog it was similar to that of a Walmart (minus groceries) had everything at reasonable prices.
I enjoyed my relaxing week in the middle of Finland, immersed in a Finnish home, so the culture and language was around me the entire time. The family asked me everyday if I wanted to go to Sauna (Big part of Finnish culture) but I decided not, as I don't like the heat of it and find it increases my blood pressure too much. I had a great time, I can not wait to visit again.
Bye for now...